The Edge Control Truth: Preserving Your Baby Hairs Without Damage

Edge control gels have been a staple in Black hair care for as long as I can remember. From my childhood days of sitting between my mother’s legs and getting my hair braided to now, styling my natural hair or wigs, edge control has always been the finishing touch. However, I’ve come to realize that, while these gels keep our baby hairs laid and looking fabulous, they could also be causing more harm than good.

Yes, we love our slicked-back styles and perfectly laid edges, but the harsh reality is that many edge control products contain alcohol, which can dry out and weaken our delicate hairline. Rolanda Johnson Wilkerson, Ph.D., from the Pantene Gold Series Collection, explains that while alcohol helps products dry quickly and hold hair in place, it can also strip moisture from our hair, leading to breakage.

Dermatologist Michelle Henry, M.D., highlights that the combination of dryness caused by alcohol and the tension from styling can result in significant damage to our baby hairs. But fear not, fellow edge control enthusiasts! You don’t have to give up your beloved gels altogether. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid to keep your edges healthy and intact:

  1. Choose Your Gel Wisely: Dr. Henry suggests opting for an edge control that is more moisturizing and contains less alcohol or harsh ingredients. Look for gels with fatty alcohols like cetyl alcohol or stearyl alcohol, which can condition the hair instead of drying it out.
  2. Be Gentle When Laying Your Edges: Using a hard brush might get those baby hairs in perfect formation, but it adds unnecessary tension. A softer approach, like using an old toothbrush, can achieve great results without the stress. Diane C. Bailey, a celebrity stylist, recommends gently applying edge control with a toothbrush, and then setting it with a satin scarf for about 15 minutes.
  3. Nighttime Care is Crucial: Sleeping with edge control gel in your hair can cause tension and pore-clogging. Either rinse it out at night or use a comb to break up the product before bed. Wearing a silk scarf or bonnet can also help reduce friction as you sleep.
  4. Avoid Build-up: Applying more gel over the residue from the previous day leads to build-up and can prevent you from getting the sleek look you desire. It’s important to rinse out old gel before reapplying.
  5. Give Your Hair a Break: Constantly wearing your hair in tight, slicked-back styles can lead to tension and, eventually, breakage. Rotate your styles between loose and tight, and alternate between using heavy-hold products and lighter ones, like hair milk for finer hair, as suggested by Bailey.

In conclusion, while edge control gels can create stunning styles, it’s essential to use them mindfully to avoid damaging those precious baby hairs. By choosing the right products and being gentle in our styling practices, we can keep our edges healthy and strong, all while rocking our favorite looks.

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.