Secret Habits Unveiled: When Nail-Biting & Hair-Pulling Become More Than Just Quirks

We’ve all been there – casually popping a pimple, obsessively plucking a stray gray hair, or biting off that hangnail. While they might seem like harmless habits, there’s a whole world behind these seemingly small actions. Get ready to dive deep, darlings, and discover if your ‘little habit’ is more than just a quirk.

The Lowdown on BFRBs

First things first, these little quirks are termed Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs). Sounds technical, right? BFRBs are when people continuously touch their hair or bodies in a way that can cause physical and emotional stress. You might not have heard about it, but honey, there’s an entire foundation dedicated to researching and educating about BFRBs!

Unpacking the Major BFRBs

  • Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling Disorder): Ever found yourself over-plucking your eyebrows until they’re more frenemies than twins? That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Some people pull hair from their scalps, lashes, and even other parts of their body. But it’s not always about visible hair loss, it’s more about the urge and the emotional aftermath.
  • Excoriation (Skin-Picking): This isn’t just about popping that one pimple. It involves continuous touching, rubbing, and even scratching, leading to scars and discolorations.
  • Other Obsessions: Beyond hair and skin, some indulge in nail-biting, lip-picking, and other quirky behaviors. It’s like the beauty world’s mysterious dark side.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

One might think, “It’s just a little nail-biting.” But for many, it’s an emotional turmoil. Imagine the guilt of canceling a date because you’re embarrassed by the aftermath of a skin-picking spree. Or the hours spent trying to cover up self-inflicted scars. BFRBs can be a heavy emotional burden, making one feel isolated and affecting various aspects of life.

The Burning Question: Why? While the runways showcase the latest in fashion, the reasons behind BFRBs remain a mystery. There might be a genetic link, but it’s like the lost Atlantis of the beauty world. Although BFRBs are not deliberate acts of self-harm, they can, at times, feel soothing or even pleasurable.

Triggers Behind The Scene

Every diva has her trigger, and so does everyone with BFRBs. It might be:

  • Sensory: Spotting gray hair or feeling a bump on the skin.
  • Cognitive: Thoughts like, “One more pimple to pop!”
  • Emotional: Pulling or picking when anxious, bored, or seeking gratification.
  • Motor & Setting: Maybe it’s the way you sit, the room’s lighting, or even the tools in your hand that make you indulge.

Shining the Spotlight on Solutions

The good news? There’s help, and it’s not just a DIY mask. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the star treatment for BFRBs. Think of it as personal training but for your habits. While magic potions (medications) aren’t the first go-to, they might help some based on what’s triggering the behavior.


Every beauty enthusiast knows it’s not just about the outer glow but also about feeling fabulous inside. If you feel your little quirk is becoming a runway showstopper in your life, remember: that seeking help is always in fashion. And darling, there’s nothing weak or shameful about it. It’s time to strut confidently, quirks and all!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.