Nocturnal Nuisance: Why Your Cold Comes Out to Play at Night

I was just diving deep into the mysteries of colds with Dr. Dan Pastula, the renowned expert from the University of Colorado School of Medicine, when voilà, I was bestowed with one. I mean, talk about timing! During the day, it was just the usual: a little sneezy here, a hint of throat scratchiness there, but oh, as the night approached, my nose transformed into a sniffling symphony.

So, the burning question: Why does my cold amp up its drama when I’m ready to hit the sheets?

The Night Time Cold Chronicles

1. Your Body’s Night Shift: Your body is quite the multi-tasker during the day, juggling work, family, and daily errands. But come night, it’s laser-focused on one mission: battling those annoying germs. Dr. Ascher from Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC let me in on a little secret: it’s all about the circadian rhythm. Cortisol, our stress hormone, quiets down the immune system during the day. But as night falls and cortisol takes a backseat, our immune system takes center stage, increasing inflammation and making you feel, well, not fabulous.

2. The Horizontal Hassle: Being upright during the day, gravity helps to pull the mucus down (sounds glam, right?). But, when you’re lounging in bed, all that mucus? Yup, it’s partying up in your head, leading to all the coughing and nose-block drama.

3. No Distractions, Just Drama: Daytime = distraction time. Night = just you and your cold, snuggled up together. With no emails to send or IG memes to giggle over, those pesky symptoms seem to shout a bit louder.

Here’s the Glow-Up: Nighttime Cold Hacks!

  • Hydrate to Feel Great: Chug on that H2O! When your body’s hydrated, it’s easier to fight off the annoying cold sidekicks like thick mucus. And, pro tip: a cool-mist humidifier can be your bedside bestie.
  • Ditch the Drink: Your beloved wine might need to sit this one out. Alcohol can make your cold stick around like an unwelcome guest, stealing all the energy you need to heal.
  • Peppers & Pillows: Hot and spicy foods can be your ticket to a clear nasal passage. And while you’re at it, elevate your head with an extra pillow to let gravity do its magic!
  • Store Solutions: If the going gets tough, hit the drugstore. There’s a plethora of over-the-counter cold meds to explore. Just make sure to check in with your doc or ask the in-store pharmacist for the best pick.

In my personal cold chronicles, a trusty nasal spray and some elevated pillow action turned things around. It’s never a party having a cold, but with a little know-how, you can ease the drama and be back to sipping your fave latte in no time. And if all else fails, spicy Thai coconut soup does wonders for the soul!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.