The Ultimate Guide to Fraxel Laser Treatments

Say goodbye to your skincare woes, because I’m spilling all the tea on how I turned back the clock—no, not with a magical potion or a time machine, but with the power of lasers. Yep, you heard that right. Fraxel Laser Treatments have been my game-changing beauty secret, and it’s about time you’re in the loop.

From Tan to Sun Damage: A Backstory

Back in the day, my dad owned a tanning salon, and I was his first employee. Childhood I thought a quarter for cleaning each tanning bed was the jackpot. Fast forward to my adult years and that tanning bed fantasy turned into a sun damage reality. Nowadays, I’m slathering on SPF like there’s no tomorrow, desperately undoing the mistakes of my younger, bronzed self.

The Fraxel Revelation

When I’m out and about and get asked for ID while buying wine, I have Fraxel to thank. So, what is Fraxel, you ask? In simple terms, it’s an FDA-approved laser treatment that banishes fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, and sun spots. This little miracle doesn’t come cheap—usually around $1,000 a session. But, trust me, your face will thank you.

The First Time: A Journey

A decade ago, I walked into my first Fraxel session with one thing on my mind: I wanted my skin’s groove back. I had a mix of melasma, acne scarring, and hyperpigmentation making me cringe every time I looked in the mirror. So, with a friend’s dermatologist recommendation, I went all in. And girl, it paid off—think soft baby skin softness. I went for three treatments, spaced a year apart, and walked away glowing.

The Second Round

Recently, I booked myself for another round because, let’s be honest, a girl needs her upkeep. But this time, I wanted to focus on rejuvenation rather than just damage control. It’s like, why just aim for good when you can go for glow-tastic, am I right?

The Need for Skilled Hands

Before we get to the nitty-gritty, it’s crucial to find a reputable dermatologist. I had mine done by a leading expert in non-surgical skin rejuvenation. She gave me all the details: Fraxel creates micro-injuries to stimulate new collagen, making your skin tighter, plumper, and more elastic.

A Sneak Peek into the Process

Here’s how my day went: I arrived early for a numbing cream application, scrolled through Insta pics, and braced myself. While the treatment felt like a bee-sting festival, the pain was intense but fleeting.

Recovery Diaries

The aftermath was a saga of heat, swelling, and itchiness, but all under control with the right meds and some TLC. Day by day, my face transformed from a sandpaper-textured balloon to a smooth canvas, ready for #nomakeup selfies.

The Final Verdict

While Fraxel treatments are not everyone’s cup of tea, thanks to the discomfort and price tag, the results can last for years with proper care. I’ve felt so empowered to go makeup-free more often, and my skin has never looked better.


If you’re looking to shed years, sun damage, or just wake up your tired skin, consider investing in Fraxel. It’s like that splurge bag you know you shouldn’t buy but totally should because it makes you feel fabulous. Only, this is a splurge that lasts way longer than this season’s It-bag.

So, are you ready to transform your skin and confidence? The next time someone cards you, you’ll know you’ve got your money’s worth.

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.