Glam Gone? Your Ultimate Guide to At-Home Gel Nail Removal

Hello, fashionistas! We’ve all been there. Your gel manicure, once the crown jewel of your OOTD, has now chipped its last chip. But, salon trips can be taxing (and not always in our budget). Fear not, we’re spilling the tea on how to safely remove gel nail polish at home, sans damage, and keep those nails ready for their next spotlight moment!

Hold Up! Don’t Peel!

First, a PSA for all our nail-peeling offenders: stop! It might seem harmless, but pulling off that gel polish can severely damage your nails, making them prone to breakage and dehydration. NYC-based dermatologist, Dr. Hadley King, affirms that this method can strip away crucial layers of your nails. No, thanks!

Slay the Safe Way

The easiest (and quickest) method is the acetone-cotton-tin-foil trick. Molly Romah, a top nail artist at NYC’s famed Chillhouse spa, breaks down the steps for us.

  1. Cuticle Love: Dab some cuticle oil or even Vaseline around the skin adjoining your nails. This is to ensure that the acetone doesn’t leave your skin dry and crying out for hydration.
  2. Prep the Surface: To ensure the acetone works its magic, roughen up the gel topcoat with a coarse nail file. This gives the acetone an easier path to reach the gel color underneath. And always remember, girls, gentle is the way!
  3. Acetone Bath: Soak cotton balls in acetone, place them on your nails, and wrap each finger snugly in tin foil. This warm environment helps the gel break down faster. The wait time can range between 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the strength of the polish. Patience is the key here!
  4. Scrape It Off: Once you feel the gel has softened enough, gently scrape away the layers. If you find stubborn layers, give them another acetone treatment and scrape off.
  5. After-Care Matters: Once done, wash your hands thoroughly. Now, to pamper your nails, massage in some delightful cuticle oil. If you fancy going luxe, Maccibelle Cuticle Oil is a fab choice. Complete your after-care routine with a hydrating moisturizer or hand cream. Your nails deserve all the love!

Acetone-Free Zone

For our sensitive-skinned beauties or if you’re someone who faces brittle nail issues, standard acetone might be a tad harsh. Opt for an acetone-free nail polish remover. While it might take a bit longer, it’s gentler on your skin. As for the DIY vinegar method – sorry ladies, it’s a no-go for gel nails!

And there you have it! No more unsightly chipped nails. With a little bit of patience and a lot of love, your nails will be ready for their next fashionable escapade in no time. Keep slaying, and remember: take care of those nails like they’re the latest fashion accessory—because they are!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.