Olive Oil Coffee: Starbucks’ Latest Creation That’s Got Everyone Running

If you’re an avid coffee lover, you must have heard about Starbucks’ newest addition to their drink lineup: Olive Oil Coffee. This intriguing combination has left many people curious and eager to try it. However, some social media users have reported an unexpected side effect: a sudden need for the nearest restroom!

Back in February, Starbucks introduced the Oleato range in Italy, which features three flavors: Oleato Golden Foam Cold Brew, Oleato Caffé Latte, and Oleato Iced Shaken Espresso. These beverages, now available in select US cities, are enhanced with Partanna extra virgin olive oil, giving them a unique “sweet and lush” flavor and a “velvety smooth” texture.

But could this velvety smoothness be the culprit behind these sudden bathroom trips? Let’s break it down. Firstly, these drinks do pack a caffeine punch, with grande sizes containing between 170 mg and 255 mg of caffeine. That’s more than your average Monster energy drink! As caffeine is known to stimulate gut contractions, it’s no surprise that it might trigger a quick trip to the loo.

The real game-changer, though, is the fat content. A single grande cup from the Oleato line contains 17 g to 34 g of fat. For comparison, a plain grande coffee has 0 g, while a regular grande latte with 2% milk has 7 g. Consuming high amounts of fat, especially in the morning on an empty stomach, can intensify the urgency to visit the restroom. Olive oil, being fat, can promote motility in the colon and help ease the passage of stools.

The combination of caffeine and olive oil might lead to an overactive gastrointestinal system, with the acid content in coffee boosting gastrin production, a hormone that stimulates muscle contractions in the GI tract. High levels of gastrin can result in diarrhea, so it’s no wonder that Oleato drinks can get things moving pretty quickly.

For those with caffeine sensitivity, this combination might cause an even more urgent run to the bathroom, accompanied by other caffeine sides effects like anxiety, a rapid heart rate, and headaches.

However, don’t let these side effects deter you from trying these unique beverages. If you’re curious about Starbucks’ Oleato line, go ahead and give it a try. Just be cautious and maybe stay close to a bathroom, just in case. To minimize potential negative effects, start with a small amount of olive oil-infused coffee and drink it slowly. Pair it with a meal or a snack to help your body handle it better. As always, listen to your body and adjust your consumption accordingly. Cheers to exploring new and exciting coffee flavors!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.