Slay Your Workout with the Ultimate Kettlebell Move

Hey, fashion-forward fitness queens! Are you always on the lookout for the next big workout to keep you in top shape? Well, look no further! We’re here to introduce you to a killer full-body kettlebell exercise that’ll revolutionize your workout routine: the Turkish Get Up. Don’t let the name intimidate you – once you’ve got the hang of a few basics, like lunging with a kettlebell overhead, you’ll be hooked on this mega-efficient exercise!

The Turkish Get Up works every muscle in your body, combining strength, stability, and coordination in one fabulous move. For those just starting out, try a “naked” Turkish Get Up (without a kettlebell) to get a feel for the exercise. You can even use a shoe or something lightweight to practice holding onto while you learn the motions. Trust us, even without a kettlebell, it’s still a challenging workout!

Here’s how to get started with this fierce, full-body kettlebell exercise:

  1. Choose a kettlebell that’s the right weight for you, starting lighter and gradually increasing as you gain confidence. Grasp the kettlebell with both hands and lay on your side, curling into a slightly fetal-like position. Bring the kettlebell to your chest.
  2. Position your legs at a 90-degree angle with your body. Bend the leg on the same side as the kettlebell and place that foot flat on the floor just above where your knee was before bending.
  3. Position your arms by placing the free arm out at a 45-degree angle to your body, palm down. Hold the kettlebell-carrying arm above your shoulder, keeping your wrist and elbow straight and your eyes on the kettlebell.
  4. Use your free arm to push up onto your forearm in a swift movement.
  5. Move from your forearm to your hand, imagining your shoulder blade tucking into your back pocket to prevent the kettlebell from swaying forward.
  6. Make a bridge by lifting your hips off the floor, then sweep the straight leg back so the knee is where you were sitting. Rise up so your torso is perpendicular to the ground and your free hand is at your side. Adjust your back foot to be aligned behind you as in a regular lunge.
  7. With your elbow locked, stand up while keeping your ribs from flaring out and your lower back from overarching. You can now stop looking at the kettlebell and look forward.
  8. You’ve made it to the standing position! But remember, that’s only halfway through one rep. Time to reverse the steps: pivot your back leg below the knee and sit back, bringing the fingertips of your free hand down your thigh until they reach the floor. Continue reversing the steps until you’re back in the starting position.
  9. When you’re ready to switch sides, grasp the kettlebell with both hands and move from the fetal position onto your back. Bring the kettlebell around your head – over the top and always on the floor – until you reach the other side. Curl into the fetal position and start your second rep.

And there you have it! Once you’ve mastered this fierce kettlebell exercise, you’ll be rocking it regularly and reaping all the fabulous feel-good (and lookin’ good) results in you crave. Happy sweating, fashionistas!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.