The Real, Unfiltered Side of Wellness

Picture this: a flawless green smoothie against a crisp white background, striking a yoga pose on a pristine beach, meditating in a cozy nook surrounded by Buddha statues and flickering candles, or using essential oils while sipping water from a mason jar. That sounds like the perfect wellness routine, right?

But let’s get real – life isn’t always picture-perfect, even if our social media feeds suggest otherwise. Sure, we can post about the good days, but what about those days when life throws us curveballs? When things don’t go as planned, and no amount of positive thinking can change that?

A few months ago, I shared my tips for dealing with anxiety. But I’ll be honest – there are days when I just can’t handle it. I wallow in it, and that’s just life. Stuff happens.

Healing might sound soothing and straightforward, but it can be an ugly process. One moment, you’re enjoying a peaceful walk in nature, and the next, a forgotten photo or journal entry brings you to tears. That raw, unfiltered moment probably won’t make it to Instagram.

It seems like wellness has morphed into something unattainable, idealized, and expensive. The truth is, most of us turn to practices like meditation and yoga because we’re stressed and anxious – not because we expect to find a magical cure. We’re just trying to manage, and that’s okay.

I write about wellness and self-improvement, but I’m far from perfect – and I don’t aim for perfection. Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, I break all the wellness rules and still find myself feeling content. Other times, I do everything “right” but still feel off-balance. It’s a strange journey, and wellness isn’t always easy to define.

What’s the takeaway here? Don’t get caught up in the wellness façade. We’re all just doing our best to navigate life, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. So, whether you’re a wellness guru or a complete newbie, remember that it’s okay to be imperfect. After all, life is messy, and that’s what makes it beautiful.

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.