The Power of Self-Care: Why Brushing our Hair is Good for Us

We all know the importance of self-care, but many of us don’t think about it when it comes to something as simple as brushing our hair. This morning, I was reminded of just how important a part brushing my hair plays in my daily self-care routine.

It all started with Cindy Noel Levine’s narrative – a best friend from college who owned a blow dryer, brush, and curling iron that was bought on their grandfather’s dying wish. When I compared myself with her, I realized how much I did not do to care for my own hair. Most days, I would look at it for no more than thirty seconds before getting bored and flipping myself off. Despite this, models are forced into having someone else brush their hair if they don’t do it in time – making me grateful for never needing to get paid for looks alone.

This got me thinking about why brushing our hair falls under the category of self-care. According to experts, brushing your hair helps keep it clean by removing dirt and product buildup. It also boosts scalp circulation which encourages healthy growth and helps distribute your scalp’s natural oils throughout the strands which can help keep them hydrated and protected from environmental damage. In addition to that, brushing promotes relaxation by stimulating nerve endings on your head while gently massaging your scalp which can help relieve stress and tension headaches! Who knew taking the time to brush our hair could actually be beneficial?

Brushing our hair isn’t only beneficial physically; there are psychological benefits too! Taking the time each day for self-care gives us moments of calm and mindfulness in an otherwise hectic world. Taking that few minutes out of your day just to take care of yourself can go a long way in terms of creating a sense of control over your life and keeping you grounded in times of uncertainty or stress. Additionally, taking care of yourself through something like brushing your hair can help boost confidence since you take pride in making sure you look and feel your best!

Taking proper care of ourselves is what will get us through tough times – especially those where we feel helpless or out of control – so make sure to add brushing your hair into your daily self-care routine!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.