Is Extreme Wellness Taking Away Our Mental Health?

As the world of fashion and beauty continues to evolve, so too does our definition of physical health and wellness. We’re seeing more and more influencers and celebrities adopting extreme approaches to dieting and exercise in their quest for optimal physical health. But is this obsession with extreme wellness having an adverse effect on our mental health?

In recent years, the trend of extreme wellness has become increasingly popular in the U.S., with many people pushing themselves to potentially unhealthy extremes in search of self-improvement. This pressure to be constantly striving for perfection can lead us down a dangerous path which can ultimately take its toll on our mental well-being. This is especially true when considering how social media platforms are saturated with images glamorizing zealous approaches to exercise and health, creating unrealistic standards which often result in a drop in self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy due to comparison against these images.

Neurochemistry may also explain why some people find it difficult to keep their wellness routines under control. Endorphin rushes from vigorous training and creates an addicting sensation that leads many individuals on a continuous chase for more intense workouts or diets; the thrill of meeting pre-set goals becomes a major driving force behind this behavior. At times, people may even use these extreme forms of exercise and dieting as an escape from emotional distress but this does not address underlying sources of anxiety or stress leading them into unhealthy habits.

The key here is balance – it’s important that we strike a healthy balance between setting goals for ourselves and stressing ourselves out over them; if the former becomes too obsessive then it could have damaging effects on our overall well-being. It’s essential that we remember that staying healthy isn’t just about exercising vigorously or eating perfectly balanced meals every day – it’s also about nurturing your mental well-being by allowing yourself plenty of downtimes, seeking help when needed, and taking life one step at a time instead of jumping straight into extreme practices without first consulting professionals or conducting adequate research into potential risks associated with such activities.

So don’t be fooled by all the shiny Instagram posts – take care not to let the pursuit of extreme wellness take away your mental health!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.