The Power of Kindness: How Being Kind Can Help You Achieve Health and Happiness

We’ve all heard the saying, “kindness is key”—but do we truly understand its importance when it comes to our health and happiness? The booming wellness industry promises us shortcuts to achieving optimal well-being, but as Brad Stulberg of Outside Magazine points out, there is little evidence that these quick fixes actually work. Instead, Columbia University psychiatrist Kelli Harding argues that kindness may be the answer. Studies have shown that even genetically identical rabbits can experience different outcomes in terms of their heart health depending on whether or not they receive love and kindness from researchers. This same concept applies to humans too; loving actions have the power to change our physiology, while a gentler office environment can literally save someone’s life.

In other words, kindness has far-reaching implications for our overall well-being—more so than any expensive gizmo or biohack. Dr. Harding points out that “[kindness] is one of our most important social emotions…It’s easy to think about it as a single behavior, like holding the door for somebody or being nice to somebody, but I think it’s much bigger than that. It encompasses everything from altruism and empathy to gratitude and joyfulness.” Unsurprisingly, research shows that people who are kinder tend to be healthier overall due to reduced stress levels and greater feelings of connectedness with others.

Being kind doesn’t need to involve grand gestures—sometimes it simply means being mindful of your own words and actions toward yourself and those around you. Kindness starts within: make sure you are taking care of yourself first by eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, making time for activities you love (like reading), etc… Then extend this mindset outwards by showing affection towards your family members and friends through small acts of service. This could mean sending them an encouraging text message every now and then, bringing them coffee when they’re feeling overwhelmed at work or just listening intently when they need someone who will understand them without judgment.

When we practice kindness on a regular basis both internally and externally, we start to feel more fulfilled in our lives because it helps us tap into deeper connections with ourselves and those around us. Not only does this allow us to cultivate meaningful relationships but also boosts our physical health in numerous ways! For instance, studies have found that practicing mindfulness meditation has been linked to improved immunity system functioning among other benefits such as better sleep quality and increased self-esteem.

As clichéd as it may sound being kind really can go a long way in helping us achieve greater health and happiness—it’s almost like a superpower! So next time you’re feeling low or stressed out take some time out for yourself by engaging in activities that bring you joy—and don’t forget about spreading kindness throughout your day! From simple compliments like telling your friends how great they look today or even complimenting the barista at Starbucks who made your morning latte – no act is too small when it comes down to promoting kindness!

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.