Why Following ‘Hustle’ Advice May Not Lead to the Life You Want

We’ve all heard the same advice over and over again: hustle, hustle, hustle. Whether it’s in books, videos, or blog posts, people in their twenties are always shouting the same thing—that if you just work hard enough, you can achieve anything. But do they really know what they’re talking about?

The truth is that this kind of advice is often given by people who haven’t had much experience themselves. They might be able to spin a good story about how they went from rags to riches in a short period of time, but chances are it’s not as simple as they make it out to be. In many cases, these people are after an easy life and are trying to make money from catchy titles and gaming the Amazon system.

One example of this is Tim Ferriss. He’s famous for coining the term “lifestyle design”—which essentially means living a life of leisure rather than work. But when you look deeper into his story, it turns out that he actually spends most of his days researching and reading books—so much so that he claims he reads three books a week! While his advice may sound like we can get something for nothing—it’s important to remember that behind-the-scenes he puts in more effort than anyone else.

This brings us back to our original point: following “hustle” advice without doing research first may not lead us to the life we want. Of course, there are exceptions, but it is important that that offering advice have knowledge before doing so or stop thinking having a coaching certificate means you know anything about life. It takes dedication and hard work no matter what kind of lifestyle one wants to live—so don’t be fooled by those promoting an easy way out! Researching your options thoroughly could mean the difference between success or failure when it comes to achieving your goals in life.

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Laura Webb is a creative and passionate blogger who works for Jolie Journal, a leading fashion publication. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stylish, she uses her writing skills to captivate her audience and inspire them with the latest fashion trends.